For those of you who don't know, senior week is a period of time that the seniors have to party while everyone else takes their finals. Seniors are forced to finish their finals anywhere from a week to a week and a half in advanced. I finished Tuesday of 10th week. Yes, I know that is pretty amazing. It is also a miserable experience to have to complete course work, attend classes, and take finals all before finishing all of the assigned material in the course. I did not attend very many of the Senior Week activities, although I did attend enough activities that Ben and I got eat free food for a little over a week. Anyway, we went to a couple of very nice receptions that required formal attire and served wine with elegant food served on china. One thing Ben and I enjoyed was Prom Night! U of C does not have very many dances so it was fun to try this one out.
My family came in Wednesday night and on Thursday we did an architectural boat tour on the Chicago river in the pouring rain. This was another senior week activity hosted by the U of C. It was freezing! My poor family from AZ were not expecting temperatures below 50 during the middle of summer and neither was I.
Skipping ahead a bit, Friday was Ben's Graduation! It was a beautiful warm day just like every graduation day should be. Afterward we celebrated with coveted Chicago pizza at Giordano's. Then we continued on with my senior week and went to the Museum of Science and Industry night. At the beginning of every school year U of C rents out the MSI and has a dessert night where incoming students/graduating students can see all of the exhibits while enjoying the beautiful desserts.
Saturday I finally graduated. This had to be one of the most miserable experiences. It rained and rained and rained and rained then stopped and rained again and finally with only 20 minutes to go, stopped for good. The fact that we had to sit outside with no provisions other than the emergency poncho that they handed us made for an awful experience. Hair was ruined and be warned that those stupid gowns are in no way water proof. Everyone was shivering. Also, U of C's emergency rain plan to shorten the ceremony consisted of cutting only one song! Needless to say, it did not shorten the ceremony, in fact we went longer than expected. Turns out U of C really is the place where fun comes to die; even graduation sucked. Don't be fooled, I really did love every minute a spent at the U of C, which I'm pretty sure officially makes me a masochist.
To end the day we went to one of my favorite restaurants to celebrate. Ethiopian Diamond. I absolutely love this place.
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